Kids Camp Policies
General information:
- Before-School Care opens at 6:00 a.m. Due to staffing requirements, parents may not drop off children prior to that time.
- Children must be picked up by 6 p.m. Fees will apply for children not picked up by 6 p.m.
- Names must be marked on all personal items. Twisters is NOT responsible for lost, broken or stolen items.
- In an effort to better suit children during activities and playtime, some activities may require us to divide children by age group. Siblings who would like to stay together would go with the younger of the two groups.
Camp Fees:
- Before-School Care is $40/week. After-school care is $55/week. Collaboration-day only care is $25/week. Those needing all of the above will pay a total of $75/week per child. Parents selecting “Combo Care” may add $10/week for a tumbling, ninja or gymnastics class provided that they are enrolled monthly. This is a $10 discount off the normal class price.
- Discounts will not be given for missed days due to illness or vacation.
- Care is not included for Federal Holidays or days that school is out. Additional care may be provided on those days through Twisters for an additional fee. Parents will not be charged for care over winter break or spring break when there are no school days within the week.
- A 14-day notice is required in order to cancel before/after school care.
- Automatic charges will occur at approximately 7 a.m. the Friday morning prior to the start of the next week.
- Example: If you are enrolled for the week of Aug. 31st, your weekly fee will be automatically charged to the card on file the morning of Aug. 28th.
- Parents will be notified by noon if the card on file is unable to be charged. In order to reserve the child’s spot for the following week, payment will need to be completed by 5 p.m. the Friday prior to the start of the week.
- Payments must be up to date in order for a child to participate.
- For weekly payments, cash or card on file is accepted. Cash must be paid by close of business on Thursday so your card is not automatically charged.
Snacks and Meals:
- Breakfast will be provided for any campers who arrive 20 minutes before the bus pick-up time.
- Snacks will be served within 20 minutes of bus drop-off time.
- Students have the option to bring their own snacks and/or place money on their snack bar account for special treats.
- Water will be provided with all snacks and throughout the day.
Dress Code:
- Tennis shoes are recommended for daily activities. Sandals and flip flops are discouraged, but may be brought on outdoor water days.
- All clothing should be comfortable and weather-appropriate. Please remember to bring a jacket when the temperature is below 50 degrees so children may play outside.
- All parents are asked to provide one bottle of spray sunscreen (SPF 50+ and waterproof) on the first day of summer day camp.
- Appropriate behavior and language are expected at Twisters.
- Rules will be clearly stated by counselors. Our goal is to always use redirection and positive reinforcement. At times, time outs and quiet time may be required for children who need some additional space and calming.
Release of Participants:
- All children must be signed in and out by a parent or authorized pick-up contact each day.
- Only those who have been designated to pick up a child are allowed to pick up.
- If someone else is picking up your child, we will ask that you complete an “Add a Contact” form in advance.
- A child may not receive medication of any kind unless it is required by a doctor.
- Parents/guardians must place medicine in a Ziploc bag with child’s name, dosage and frequency. Medication must be provided in the original container with pharmacy/doctor instructions and label.
- Please inform the director immediately if your child develops any of the following symptoms:
- Fever
- Cough
- Redness of the eyes or itchy eyes
- Sore throat or hoarse voice
- Students with these symptoms will not be allowed to attend kids camp until they are 24 hours free of symptoms or have a doctor’s note.
- Additional hand-sanitizing measures and social distancing – as possible – will be monitored and enforced throughout the school year.
Outdoor Information:
- Please send one bottle of spray sunscreen with your child on the first day for outdoor play time. (SPF 50 or above)
- We will provide liquid sunscreen for faces.
- The bottles will be shared with everyone. If your child has sensitive skin or requires a higher SPF, please attach a note and label the bottle with your child’s name.
- At Twisters, we have 11 acres. All activities will take place on Twisters property.
If you have questions regarding these policies, please do not hesitate to call us at 660-238-0577.