Before School Care

Before school care begins at 6 a.m. each morning throughout the school year. Children will be served breakfast and given the opportunity to get out all their energy with open gym time. Ridgeview/Sterling students will be picked up by the school bus each morning at approximately 7:50 a.m.. Martin Warren/Maple Grove students will ride the Twister bus each morning, which departs at approximately 7:45 a.m. and is driven by a safety-trained Twister Staff member.

Morning care is available for $40/week.


After School Care

After school care is provided by Twisters each day until 6 p.m. Students will be given a snack, open play and guided activities throughout the afternoon. Those with homework will be provided homework-help by one of our amazing, safety-certified staff members. Students from Ridgeview/Sterling will ride the school bus to Twisters. The school bus arrives at approximately 4:20 p.m. each day. Students from Martin Warren/Maple Grove will be picked up by the Twister bus and arrive at Twisters at approximately 4 p.m. each day.

After school care is available for $55/week.


Collaboration Day Care

Child care will be provided on all collaboration days, teacher-in service days and most federal holidays (to exclude Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve, New Years Day and Memorial Day). During collaboration care, organized activities, free play, and outdoor play (when possible) will be offered. Snacks will be provided for all collaboration days. For full-day child care, breakfast (for those who arrive before 8 a.m.) a morning snack, lunch, and an afternoon snack will be provided. Children may also bring their own snacks and lunches. (Please do not bring anything with peanuts.)

Collaboration Days are $25/day.

Teacher’s In-Service Days are $35/day.

Full-week care over holiday breaks will vary.


Before, After & Collaboration Combo Day Child Care

Before School Care

Before school care begins at 6 a.m. each morning throughout the school year. Children will be served breakfast and given the opportunity to get out all their energy with open gym time. Ridgeview/Sterling students will be picked up by the school bus each morning at approximately 7:50 a.m.. Martin Warren/Maple Grove students will ride the Twister bus each morning, which departs at approximately 7:45 a.m. and is driven by a safety-trained Twister Staff member.

After School Care

After school care is provided by Twisters each day until 6 p.m. Students will be given a snack, open play and guided activities throughout the afternoon. Those with homework will be provided homework-help by one of our amazing, safety-certified staff members. Students from Ridgeview/Sterling will ride the school bus to Twisters. The school bus arrives at approximately 4:20 p.m. each day. Students from Martin Warren/Maple Grove will be picked up by the Twister bus and arrive at Twisters at approximately 4 p.m. each day.

Collaboration Day Care

Child care will be provided on all collaboration days. During collaboration care, organized activities, free play, and outdoor play (when possible) will be offered. Snacks will be provided for all collaboration days.

Before, After & Collaboration Day Child Care is $75/week. (All collaboration days are included.) Students selecting this option may add a tumbling or ninja class for just $10/week. Families will not be charged when a full week of school is not in session. A discount for full-week care during holiday breaks may be available for those regularly enrolled in Kids Camp.