Athlete's Name(Required)

Questions for Athletes

Have you previously been a flyer at Twisters?(Required)
Levels you have flown:
Do you stretch, condition and work on flying positions at home?(Required)
Alternates may fill in any time the main flyers are missing in practice. Are you willing to attend flyers class, stunt privates and subscribe to stretching content as an alternate?(Required)
Would you say "yes" to being a crossover if it meant you would have an opportunity to fly on a team?(Required)
How would you rate your tumbling skills for the level in which you're trying out?(Required)
Check the body positions you can hold with excellent technique for at least four counts.

Questions for Parents

Read the statement below and check "yes" or "no" if you believe your child can handle the position of a flyer.(Required)
A flyer is often put under more pressure than other positions. The flyer is expected to work outside of practice on flexibility and body control as well as regularly attend flyers practice. Flyers often receive more corrections during practice than the remainder of the stunt group. Flyers should be resilient in nature and accepting of corrections at all times. On junior and senior teams, the coaches will often ask bases and backspots to explain to a flyer what they're feeling and vice versa. Flyers should be able to accept peer feedback and provide constructive feedback to their bases as well.