Tumbling Clinics

Handspring Clinic

March 1, 10:30-12 p.m.

Prerequisite: Front & Back Walkovers
Ages: 6+
Cost: $35 Members, $39 Non-members

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Learn your front handspring, standing back handspring, roundoff back handspring and for those who have already mastered that – step-outs and multiples. We’ll use spotted skills and new drills to focus on safe execution of handspring skills. We’ll also use apparatus such as the air track, trampoline and rod floor. Pre-registration is required.

Perfect Your Tumbling Clinic

April 5, 10:30-12 p.m.

Prerequisite: None
Ages: 6+
Cost: $35 Members, $39 Non-members

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This is the perfect class to go over the fundamentals and make sure the skills we’ve previously learned are skill in tip top shape! We focus on pointed toes, straight knees, proper body position and strong arms. As we get more comfortable with skills, sometimes we forget the details. During this clinic, Coach Patrick will focus on those details to make sure your child perfects his/her tumbling.

Get Your Skills! Register Today!